Also Called the Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon (not to be confused with the Total Lunar Eclipse), Sanguine Moon
This month the moon appears in Aries. Also, this is a supermoon meaning the moon coincides with perigee - the closes the Moon comes to Earth in its orbit. The moon this month appears slightly larger in size.
Element: Fire
Focus: Inner cleansing and inner harmony. Karma and reincarnation. Justice and balance. Scrying and dreamwork. Spiritual advancement. A time to let go
Colors: dark blue, dark green, purple, brown, gold, black
Stones: opal, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise, citrine, amethyst, obsidian
Animals: stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, crow, heron, robin, raven
Flowers:Â calendula, marigold, cosmos, rose
Herbs: pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, angelica, burdock, ginger, basil, clove, myrrh, allspice
For your journal: This is a time of letting go. What in your life can you let go? This means relationships, physical objects, and feelings. How do you (or your inner voice) limit your self-esteem or self-worth? What are ways that you can help overcome those feelings or sentiments? Are these statements true (you must have physical proof)? If they are untrue, why do they appear in your life?