from Shira.net (one of my favorite sites for dance advice)
Just some sillyness to lighten your mood
Q: What do you call a belly dancer with a sword?
A: A veiled threat.
(Joke by William M. Smith, Sunnyvale, California)
Q: What kind of crowds do belly dancers hang out in?
A: Hip circles!
(Joke by Malia, of the San Francisco area, in response to someone asking her that question in all seriousness.)
An optimist says the glass is half full. A pessimist says it's half empty. A belly dancer says "Oh good, I can balance this on my head!"
Q: How are belly dancers and plastic surgeons alike?
A: They both tuck and lift!
(An original by Weisha Mize, who commands, "Tuck! Lift!" to students and fellow troupe members as a reminder to use good posture.)
Q: Why did the belly dancer cross the road?
A: She heard there were costumes on the other side.
(Joke by Shira, Sunnyvale, California)
Q: How many costumes does a belly dancer need?
A: One more.
Q: What kind of closures do belly dancers use to hold their costumes together?
A: Belly buttons!
(Joke by Shira, Sunnyvale, California)
Q: How can you tell when a group of belly dancers is amused?
A: By the belly laughs!
(Joke by Shira, Sunnyvale, California)
Q: Where can you go to learn how to belly dance?
A: To a navel academy.
Have any jokes to add? Please share below!