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Private·8 Writers


A judgement free zone to connect with words, to write what you feel, learn how to tell your stories, and discover what others think of the same subjects. Topics and themes are wide ranging and thought provoking.

Guidelines for writing

  1. Keep writing - don't stop to edit, rephrase, to think. Don't go back and read what you wrote. Keep you hand moving

  2. Trust your pen. First thought best thought.

  3. Don't judge your writing. Don't compare, analyze, criticize. You are pouring directly from intuition, too fragile and raw for judgement.

  4. Let your writing find its own for,. You don't need to have a beginning, middle, or end. Doesn't need a container or label like story, essay, or poem.

  5. Don't worry about the rules. Grammar, spelling, syntax, or punctuation are not important.

  6. Let go of any and all expectations. Don't think about what you'll write, or how to write. Just clear your mind and begin.

  7. Kiss your frogs. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be written. Sometimes you'll get a handsome prince, but usually, it's a frog. Just show up at the pond and see what's there!

  8. Tell the truth. Go to scary places, tell your secrets. Yes, it's risky but if you aren't true to yourself you'll be bland, glib, or shallow. Go to the edge of what feels safe and jump. The net magically appears.

  9. Get specific. It doesn't matter if the flowers are violets or hydrangea, but naming it paints a picture. Notice what you notice and engage your senses. All of them.

  10. Write what matters. If you don't care what you write, no one else will either. What interests you? What bothers you? What don't you understand? What do you want to learn? Write with passion.

  11. Read your writing aloud after you finish your session. You'll find out if it works or not. Is it repetitious? How does it sound? Reading aloud gives your writing authenticity and helps you find your voice. Doesn't have to be in the group, but read it aloud to someone (even if it's just yourself).

  12. Date your page and write the topic! Keeps you grounded in the present and helps you reference pieces. And your dates will show you how you grow as a writer.


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  • May 12, 2023


  • Heather Daniel

    Created by

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